Photo note:
"The crepe part is made out of rice flour, turmeric powder, water and coconut milk. Pan fried and stuffed with beef and potato in a tomato based sauce."
While Visions of Sugar Plums Danced. . .
Saturday, April 25, 2009
crepe do humberto passeado
Very, very pretty~
Photo note:
"Um crepe realizado pelo competente e simpático Humberto Passeado. Um gastonomo brasileiro de mão cheia."
Vegan Yogurt Cheese Filled Crepes with Vietnamese Cinnamon
Photo note:
"I woke up wanting crepes. I'm not nuts for crepes just folded over on themselves and doused with syrup though, so I went more the blintz route and used the soy yogurt cheese I'd made yesterday whipped with some agave, vanilla, Vietnamese cinnamon, and lemon zest to make a sweet, rich, creamy filling. After filling the crepes I baked them to get the filling to be nice and gooey warm inside. I covered these with a blueberry studded raspberry lemon sauce, which made them even more delicious."
* * *
The photo is wonderful, too.
triple berry crepes
The colors on this plate are wonderful and celebratory.
The photographer says:
"blueberry, strawberry, and peach crepes at Jane's"
Sweet Potato Amaretto Crepes
Gorgeous, and very intriguing. I'm going to give this a try. . .
Photo note:
"for the recipe visit: "
Whole-wheat breakfast crepes
I'm getting hungry, all over again!
Photo note:
"The best way to start your day is with a balanced breakfast. This is what I made this weekend:
The Real Crepe Cake (2)
Wow, this is amazing!
Here is the photo note:
"The Real Crepe Cake (2)
Strawberry Crepes
When I came home from work the other day, my daughter had made herself some crepes. As it was successful, she decided we needed to make a dinner of it the next night, so we added salmon, asparagus, feta cheese, sauteed mushrooms, and lightly sauteed cherry tomatoes. Very good indeed!
* * *
The crepes in this photo look great, too. Here is the note that goes with:
"Strawberry Crepes
My second attempt to make crepe was a success. Read how I made them here: "
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Food Quotes
strawberry avocado spinach salad.
I just had a strawberry spinach salad last night, but this one is prettier by far. Just gorgeous, with fresh spinach, juicy strawberries, fresh blueberries, chunks of ripe avocado, fresh herbs, and (I'm thinking) pine nuts. This looks great!
The photographer says, "my new favorite salad."
I can see why~
Food Words
Acerbic is anything sour, bitter or sharp - cutting, caustic, acid, mordant, barbed, prickly, biting, pointed. The opposite flavor would be mild, sweet, or honeyed.
Acid or Acidic food can be sharp, tart, sour, bitter. Just the opposite of sweet, sugary, honey.
Acrid taste can be considered pungent, bitter, choking, sharp, unpleasant, harsh - sharp, cutting, caustic, bitter, vitriolic, mordant, trenchant - sour, tart, sharp, biting, acerbic.
Aftertaste is the trace, hint, smack, relish, savor food leaves behind.
Ambrosia is the food of the gods, and epicurean delight, food fit for a king, delicacy, heavenly spread, gastronomical delight, some apply this term to the pièce de résistance in a meal.
Ambrosial is, therefore, fit for the gods, delectable, mouthwatering, heavenly, savory, delicious, tasty, toothsome, divine. It is not distasteful or disgusting at all.
Appealing food is attractive, tempting, interesting, pleasing, alluring, likable, engaging, charming, fascinating, glamorous. It is never repulsive, disgusting, or repellent.
Appetite is the hunger, craving, desire, taste, ravenousness, sweet tooth, thirst, penchant, or passion we experience. When we have an appetite for something, we don't find it revulsive, repulsive, or distasteful.
Appetizer is the tidbit, snack, starter, hors d'oeuvre, finger food, dip, cold cuts, kickshaw, olives, anchovies - canapés, dim sum, aperitif, rollmops, antipasto, crudités we might have to open a meal.
Appetizing is everything we find appealing, mouth-watering, delectable, savory, delicious, palatable, inviting, tantalizing, toothsome, luscious, tempting, tasty, enticing. Opposed to what we find nauseating, sickening, repulsive, unappetizing, revolting.
Astringent is biting, harsh, sharp, cutting, acerbic, severe, rough, acrid, mordant, caustic. It is not mild, soft, gentle.
Balsamic comes as soothing, balmy, mild, gentle, temperate, tranquil, calm. Never irritant or abrasive.
Biting taste means caustic, piercing, penetrating, stinging, sharp, severe, mordant, stinging. It is not gentle, balmy, or soothing.
Bitter is acrid, tart, sour, harsh, acidic, vinegary, acerbic. The opposite of sweet, honeyed, mild, gentle, warm.
Brackish means salty, briny, saline.
Briny, almost the same as the previous word, salty, brackish, saline.
Caustic is something cutting, biting, acid, acidic, sharp, astringent, stinging, scathing, excoriating. To say the opposite you would call it mild, sweet, or smooth.
Choice can mean selection or pick, but in relation with food -like a choice steak- means more often superior, excellent, select, top-notch, fine, first-rate, high-quality, cream of the crop, vintage, prime. second rate.
Delectable food is delicious, tasty, mouth-watering, appetizing, scrumptious, luscious, enjoyable, palatable, delightful, toothsome, pleasing, satisfying. Nevertasteless, disgusting, or nauseating.
Delicious meals are tasty, appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, luscious, delectable, mouth-watering, fit for a king, delightful, lovely, wonderful, pleasant, enjoyable, appealing, enchanting, charming. You wouldn't call delicious that what is tasteless or unpleasant.
Divine cooking is fit for the gods, heavenly, godly, celestial, great, marvelous, delightful, lovely, blissful. Nothing earthly.
Dry food can be desiccated and withered like an old prune. Sometimes dry food keeps better, as beans and pulses; then being dry is a desirable trait. The dry weight –the solid part- in canned food gives you an idea of the real nutritional value. But most times dry food is juiceless and tasteless, lacking moisture -it will need a sauce. Food with a sharp, biting taste, or with a high proportion of strong alcohol is also dry. Food eaten without any spread, sauce or garnish would be eaten dry. Overcooked meat gets dry, having lost all juices.
Dulcet is sweet, honeyed, pleasant, in a gentle way, someting in harmony with your taste or likings. It is never harsh.
Dulcified is what has been made sweeter, or softer, in taste, edulcorated, sweetened.
Flavored equals seasoned; food that has been given flavor, by normal seasoning or by artificial flavoring. Which flavor? Any, but by being flavored, it is sure to give some kind of taste experience.
Flavorful, obviously full of flavor, or you could say, instead, flavorsome, tasty, tangy, appetizing, palatable, savory or sweet -for a particular flavor- and, if you want to try less known words, sapid or saporous. It wouldn’t be flavorless, tasteless, bland, flat, or insipid.
Flavoring or seasoning, anything added to food for the flavor it imparts or the act of adding flavor to food. Think of herbs, spices, condiments, seasonings, or some food additives as different flavorings.
Flavorsome indicates good tasting, full of flavor, specifically pleasant flavor; implying delicious, tasty, appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, juicy, succulent, heavenly, inviting, luscious, mouthwatering, palatable, saporous, savory; may be divine, toothsome, and tempting. Consider flavorsome just the opposite of distasteful, nauseating, repulsive, sickening, unappetizing, unsavory.
Fruity food will be having a taste, smell or flavor of fruit; anything tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit. A wine full of fruity flavors will probably be considered concentrated, full-bodied, full-flavored, heady, heavy, lusty, mellow, potent, redolent, rich, strong, well-matured.
Full-bodied -usually applied to wine- means robust, or rich and intense flavor and aroma; it would be a wine that feels heavy in the mouth.
Gamy refers to the flavor or strong odor of game, especially game that is starting to spoil. It would be malodorous and rancid, certainly not fresh. It is a word more often applied to other areas than to food.
Gustatory, relating to the sense of taste, to the sensation in the taste buds.
Harsh, unpleasant to the taste, abrasive, coarse, acerbic, astringent, biting, bitter, caustic, cutting, dry, mordant, nasty, sharp, stinging, vitriolic. Definitely not smooth.
Heavenly, considered divine, wonderful, blissful, delightful, lovely, fantastic, glorious, sublime; opposed to horrible and dreadful.
Honey, honeyed and let us say sweet, sugar, sweetened, sugarcoated, syrupy, candied. Never harsh, acerbic or salty flavor.
Hot as in burning, scorching, boiling, blistering, sizzling, searing, blazing, torrid; or hot as in spicy, peppery, piquant, pungent, so strong flavored that makes one feel burning, fiery, intense, vehement, ardent, fervent flavors – definitely not cold, mild, soft or tasteless.
Juicy food is succulent, luscious, thirst quenching, moist, ripe, usually flavorful, many times fascinating. Dry and bland don’t apply.
Luscious food and we are talking juicy, moist food; delicious and delectable food; scrumptious or succulent food; super tasty, toothsome, more than palatable, surely mouthwatering food. Dry, disgusting or nauseating? No way!
Lush would be a rich, lavish, opulent meal; sumptuous, luxurious, certainly abundant. You would not be presented with sparse food, a scanty meal or a thin plate.
Mellow flavor is smooth, rich, full, soft, or melodious; usually a pleasant, fully developed flavor reached after an adequate aging period. In this sense of matured, softened, developed flavor, is often used when writing about cheese or wine. But it could be used perfectly for preserved or canned food, or to describe a particularly rich dish. Mellow is opposite to harsh.
Mouthwatering is that savory, flavorful, succulent, gorgeous, delicious food which gets you salivating; by no means unappetizing or distasteful.
Nectarous stands for ambrosial, delicious or sweet; something that reminds you of nectar, the drink of the gods –in Greek mythology, therefore it would seem more to the point using it for liquids than for solid food. Any sweet, stimulating drink could be nectar to your lips.
Palatable indicates edible, pleasant, tasty, just OK, appetizing, toothsome, I would not say delicious. Palatable food is acceptable to the palate, something in between mouthwatering and foul. It is NOT inedible, tasteless, or disgusting either.
Say peppery and piquant comes to the mind. Others could think of gingery, spicy, hot, fiery, sharp, stinging, pungent or somehow lively and strong. Tasting like pepper, no one would think it mild.
Pickled would account for that briny flavor that food preserved in a pickling liquid gets. Food is pickled, marinated or cured –pickling would prevent from spoiling- in some liquid with plenty of salt, vinegar, or similar, and spices.
Piquant and salty, savory, spicy, tasty or zesty are very similar words. Also to be considered having a pleasant pungent taste, hot, tangy, agreeably biting or sharp; never bland or insipid.
Pungent can be seen as strong, spicy, hot, heady, overpowering, sharp, biting, a penetrating taste or smell; or you could take it by the forceful, biting, cutting, caustic, acerbic side. Forget about bland or mild.
Rancid food is bad, stale, rotten, completely off; the opposite of fresh food.
Rank means pungent but in the fetid, smelly, foul, stale, rancid, definitely bad way; offensive to the smell or taste and not fresh.
Rich food is full, heavy, dripping, full-bodied, robust; a rich table is plentiful, abundant, loaded, ample, copious, stuffed. None of them is lacking or plain.
Saccharine is another way to say sugary, syrupy, maybe treacly; certainly it’s overly sweet and opposite to bitter.
Saline or salty could almost be used without distinction or they could be substituted by briny or brackish because both contain salt. Salty food is sure to be savory. Remember, salty is one of the basic tastes.
Sapid, saporific, or saporous are certainly full of flavor; that is to say flavorful, flavorsome, flavorful, flavorous… Perhaps no say, just to write; those are not every day words
Savory has flavor. Which one? It might be salty, spicy, pungent, sweet or plainly aromatic and flavorful, but the taste would be pleasant and agreeable.
Scrumptious is shouting “eat me!” It is delicious, delectable, mouthwatering, tasty, delightful, gorgeous, lip smacking, yummy, wonderful in taste and aroma; never unappetizing, unappealing, or tasteless. Think of a scrumptious pie is very appetizing, pleasing to your taste; your sense of taste.
Sec is another way to say medium dry, un-sweet. This word is borrowed from wine world.
Sharp incisive, harsh, sour, tangy, acid, pungent, tart, bitter; it could be acerbic or astringent, but it is not bland.
Sour is one of the basic tastes. It is acid, lemon-like or vinegary, tart, bitter, acerbic. Sour food has a sharp biting taste and, certainly, is not sweet.
Spicy food has the piquant, hot, fiery, burning taste of spices. We are talking of highly spiced, piquant, zesty food, certainly savory. It can be also described after the predominant spice, like peppery or gingery food. This is the complete opposite of mild food.
Strong tasting food is highly flavored i.e. highly seasoned; concentrated flavor, intense, pungent, and as such piquant, hot, spicy and sharp, with an intense aroma. The flavor is never weak or faint. A strong wine is high in alcoholic content.
Succulent food is juicy, moist, tender, lush, luscious food; usually sweet tasting and the opposite to dry, flavorless food.
Sugary or sweet means syrupy, candied, sugar coated, honeyed, sweetened, sugared, maybe saccharine; opposite to bitter, unsweetened or sugarless.
Sweet-and-sour, a Chinese specialty and also said of a dish that has a pleasant taste and a bitter or sharp touch in contrast.
Sweetened or syrupy are other ways to say sweet, sugared, candied, honeyed, sugar coated
Tang applied to food refers to a tart spiciness. Describe it as that taste experience which leaves the tongue tingling after taking food to the mouth. Flavor, relish, savor, smack, zest, tanginess, piquancy, nip, all those words can be written in place of tang. Bland or dull food is just the opposite.
Tart sharp, sharp-tasting that is, bitter, acid or acidic, harsh, sour taste, just like a lemon. Sweet, honeyed and the like words are the opposite.
Tasteful or full of flavor, flavorful, food; it could mean refined, sophisticated, stylish or classy when it refers to the layout of a dish –the realm of a food stylist; the opposite? The answer is tasteless.
Tasteless is the opposite of tasteful or tasty. We are talking bland, flavorless, flat, insipid, weak, dull, savorless, plain, unseasoned, unsavory, unflavored, probably unappetizing food.
Tasting, sensing and distinguishing food by means of your taste buds. A tasting will usually mean a small sample of wine or food. To have a tasting means taking a small amount of food or wine to test its quality. But, sometimes, the only way to describe food is to say food was good tasting, or it tasted foul.
Tasty and by association… yummy! It is delicious, flavorsome, full of flavor, appetizing, scrumptious, probably fresh and juicy, making a succulent meal, a kid would say finger licking good. Apply to food and dishes full of bite, piquancy, zing, zest and relish. It will never be dull or tasteless, disgusting, gross or nauseating.
Toothsome, strictly used, refers to edible and pleasant food, or you could even write tasty, appetizing or delicious instead, something really pleasant to the sense of taste. But you will see it very often meaning healthy food, good tasting food that has something more than good taste going for it. The opposite will be inedible, tasteless, disgusting or foul… yucky!
Treacly is sweet but overly so, syrupy and saccharine to the point of being disgusting.
Unsweetened or no added sugar, no added sweet flavor; probably sugarless, plain or bitter in taste, but not always. Unsweetened tea is not to everyone’s taste but unsweetened fruit juices are perfect, as there is no need to add any sweetener to something it is already sweet. Opposites are sweet, saccharine, or syrupy.
Food with a vinegary flavor would taste like vinegar. It would be acetous, sour, acid, acidic, tart, astringent, pungent, harsh, acrid; never sweet.
Yummy food is scrumptious, delicious, delectable, luscious, great tasting, much more than tasty, really appetizing, lip-smacking; the kind of food to have you licking your lips in anticipation. This is the word everyone wants to hear when bringing food to the table. Yummy food is never unpalatable, plain tasting, distasteful or disgusting.
Zesty food has a vivid, spicy, piquant, utterly savory flavor; feels invigorating, stimulating, fresh and reviving. Food with a zesty flavor never soothing or dull; this is exactly the opposite.
Ingredients for Sam's Healthwise Food Cakes"
This is a wonderful photo. Here on the notes that go with:
"The ingredients in this photo are just what go into making the veggie part of Sam's diet. He also gets raw ground turkey, chicken, rabbit or llama meat plus a 1/3 cup of yogurt and sometimes cottage cheese. We also put salmon oil on each meal. Sam gets daily dog-vitamin tablets, glucosamine and milk thistle capsules as well. "
Sam's Healthwise Food Cakes Recipe:
Healthy dog food, healthful dog food
My Love Thai Food..Moo Pad Prig Gaeng (Stir-Fried Pork with Chili Paste)..

My Love Thai Food..Moo Pad Prig Gaeng (Stir-Fried Pork with Chili Paste).., originally uploaded by Thai Jasmine.
Another beautiful Thai dish, again from Thai Jasmine.
Here is the photo note, in part.
"Think of me, I will be the shoulder to cry on..
Think of me, I wil be there till your last day of sorrow..
Think of me, everyday and not just today or tomorrow..
Think of me, when you are so hungry, I will cook love Thai food for you, always.."
Click on the photo to see more, and for the cooking instructions.
Thai Dessert with LoVe..LOvE for you, Bananas In Coconut Milk...

Thai Dessert with LoVe..LOvE for you, Bananas In Coconut Milk..., originally uploaded by Thai Jasmine.
Gorgeous!!! For the recipe, click on the photo.
Photo note, in part:
"Thai Dessert with LoVe..LOvE for you...
Add a little coconut milk and good feeling for the start..
Dip a little banana and sugary heart..
Sprinkle a little warm and honest part..
That's how the wonderful and delicious Thai dessert taste.."
Green PaPaYa Salad

Thai Food with LoVE..LOvE... for you, my Dearset..."Green PaPaYa Salad", originally uploaded by Thai Jasmine.
This is a riot of color, and looks so tasty. For the recipe, click on the picture.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Pasta Puttanesca
This plate looks colorful and inviting. Here are the photographer's notes:
"This is my all-time favorite pasta dish.
Pasta Puttanesca is also known as Hooker's Pasta. I read a story once that told how this dish was named. Apparently hookers used to make this dish for their customers late at night. The ingredients are all things that would be in any Italian kitchen, and since it could be made quickly and easily, the ladies could keep their "operation" going.
1 and 1/2 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil (no pun intended)
1 fat clove of garlic (2 or 3 cloves are even better)
10 or 12 plump Kalamata olives (remove pits)
1 tsp of capers
2-inch stripe of anchovy paste (or use a few anchovy fillets)
1 small chopped tomato (I leave the seeds in, but you can remove them if you like.)
Crushed red pepper to taste
Pasta for one person (I like Penne or Rotini)
While the pasta is cooking, make the sauce:
1. Put the capers, garlic, and olives in a food processor and mince. If you have to do this by hand, chop all of it it together so it combines. It has to be chopped pretty small, but don't make it mushy like a paste.
2. Put the olive oil in a heated pan.
3. Add the tomato and anchovy paste and stir to combine.
4. Add the olive/garlic/capers mixture and stir gently to combine
5. Cook the mixture for about 4 or 5 minutes.
6. Drain the pasta and toss with the sauce.
7. Top the dish off with some crushed red pepper.
This recipe is for one person as a meal or two as an appetizer."
Click on the photo to see more.
Fresh spaghetti "puttanesca" with assorted seafood
I am so hungry right now, it isn't funny. So, why am I on the computer, when I could be fortifying myself before submitting to the lawn mower and tall spring grass? No idea!
Last night we had dinner at Cafe Nola, on Bainbridge Island, after attending a fantastic poetry reading for Crab Creek review. I had the puttanesca with tender, succulent shrimp. . . it was fabulous. Oh, my. My daughter had the Crab mac and cheese, which was sublime, with it's hidden, cooked-just-right tomatoes and juicy onion, cheese to die for, and crab. . . oh, so, good. I recommend this place if you are ever in Western Washington, a ferry ride away from Downtown Seattle.
Cafe Nola
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Communion Bread Recipe
I found a couple of communion bread recipes:
King of Peace Episcopal Church
Communion Bread Recipe
Mix thoroughly in a large bowl:
4 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
In a small bowl, mix well:
1 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup honey
Add the liquid ingredients to the flour mixture and stir until a soft dough is formed. Knead for about five minutes. Divide into 12 equal pieces. Roll out each piece on a floured surface, into a circle about 6 inches in diameter. Use a large round container to cut out each host.
Use a small biscuit cutter to lightly score a circle in the center. Then use a spatula or pastry scraper to score the straight lines. Push just deep enough to make the marks, but not deep enough to cut all the way through. The finished design looks like this:
Bake on cookie sheets (lightly sprayed with oil) at 375o until edges just begin to lightly brown (about 12 minutes). When partially cool, place 5 hosts in each quart sized plastic freezer bag.
—Adapted from a Trappist Monk recipe used at Virginia Theological Seminary
Also, this one, from:
"An earthy whole-wheat bread used for communion"
- "8\-10 single-serving loaves"
- "7/8 cup" "lukewarm water" "210 ml"
- (The water should be about 110 degrees"
- "3 Tbsp" "honey" "50 ml"
- "1\(12 Tbsp" "olive oil" "25 ml"
- "\(12 tsp" "salt" "2.5 ml"
- "1 pkg" "active dry yeast" "7 g"
- "2 2/3 cups" "whole wheat flour" "350 g" (Unsifted)
Combine water and yeast in mixing bowl. Add honey, olive oil, and salt.
Add flour. If flour does not completely dampen, add small amounts of water until all of the flour is damp. Be sparing with the water.
Turn out onto a very lightly floured board, and knead thoroughly for 5 minutes until dough is extremely elastic.
Sprinkle a tiny amount of olive oil in a big bowl, then roll the dough in it until the dough is covered with olive oil. Leave the dough in the bowl, cover with a cloth, and let rise for 1\(12 hours, or until doubled in size.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Punch the dough down, knead again for a few seconds. Roll the dough out wi
th a rolling pin, as if you were making a pizza crust, to a thickness of "\(14 inch" "5 mm" .
Using something like a large peanut butter jar or a giant cookie cutter, cut out "4-inch" "10-cm" circles of the dough and lift them onto a slightly-oiled baking sheet. Press a cross into the top surface of each, so that it can be easily broken apart.
Bake the loaves, on their baking sheet, in a preheated 350 degrees oven for 10 minutes.
You can freeze these loaves easily; either put them in single-serving ziploc bags and use them for school lunches, or freeze a bunch in a large food-storage bag.
Fr. Bill CoatsChurch of the RedeemerPittsburgh, PA
Bread and Wine (a poem)
"Bread and Wine" by Friedrich Holderlin (part 7)
"I don't believe you have any notion of the pleasure that the arrival of the fourth volume of Höölderlin's collected works provided me. I had been waiting for it so long and so eagerly (you see, I had ordered the collected works in August(!) at a bookstore). Because of my excitement, I was almost incapable of doing anything else the entire day. I am now eagerly awaiting the sixth volume. After reading the Reich fragments, I must presume the sixth volume is also inordinately valuable. Another factor is that, at the moment, I need the broadest base imaginable for coming to terms with Höölderlin."
---Walter Benjamin, Letter to Gershom Scholem, December 23, 1917.
See Scott Thompson's chronology of Holderlin's life.
Here is part 7 of Holderlin's major poem "Bread and Wine":
But my friend, we have come too late. True, the gods are still alive
But somewhere high above us, in another world.
There they repeat themselves eternally, and don’t give a damn
If we live or die, so little do they care about us.
For a weak vessel cannot contain them. Only from time to time
Can humans bear the fullness of the gods. And therefore,
The life we know is a dream about them. But confusion
And sleep assist us, sorrow and night make us strong,
And soon heroes enough will emerge from the warlord’s cradle,
With hearts rivaling a god’s in courage.
In the meantime, I believe it is better to sleep than to live
Without friends, waiting without hope, not knowing the right
Thing to say or do -- and what, after all, is the use
And purpose of poets in an age of darkness?
Yet you say they are like the priests of the wine god,
Moving from place to place in the sacred night.
–- translated by David Lehman
Communion Bread
Another gorgeous bread photo. This most basic of life's staples, I never grow tired of seeing and trying different breads.
Bread (a photo detail)
Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap;
they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them.
--Luke 12:24
He sits, mornings
with his loaf of stale French.
Blackbirds come,
some prance the pavement
at his feet, some land
on his tattered cap
and coat full of holes.
The wind worries his holey coat
for warmth. He hums
quietly and breaks
the rind, reaches the softer
flesh inside. Birds dive,
peck at his offering, quarrel
over crumbs in the gutter.
some stab his open hands
and he holds them
open, knows someday
he too will fly
when there’s no more bread.
Mornings he sits
and feeds these birds.
In dreams
he goes to pieces.
--Ronda Broatch
First appeared on Poetry Midwest, pg. 18
Surprise Communion
This is great~
Photo note:
"Day two hundred thirty-nine/365. I had meetings until 8:00 tonight and didn't get to take a good 365, so I thought I'd shoot a simple macro and tell you a story.
This is what remains of the bread we served for Communion at our 8:15 a.m. worship service. Normally, after folks have broken pieces from the loaf, I offer the remaining bread to children who may be waiting for the start of the contemporary service.
This morning, I walked out of the sanctuary and right away discovered a ten-year-old boy. When I offered him some bread, he eagerly accepted. But, he must have thought I was offering him Communion. He took a piece of bread and dipped it -- not in the chalice of grape juice in my right hand, but in the mug of coffee in my left. Before I could respond, he had it in his mouth.
Unfortunately, this guy does not like the taste of coffee, so he went running for the refreshment counter, where he remedied it with cheese curls.
I wondered if his mother would be angry. I found her laughing."
Great story!
Bread for 1st Communion mass
This bread is just too beautiful to pass up~
Photo note:
"This very special bread with decoration of grapes is a symbolic gift for the Church from children who have their first Communion in Catholic church in Poland."
communion bread
Today at church I got to thinking about the breads we use for communion. Usually something crusty and full of flavor and life. So, today's look is at different communion breads.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happy Saint Patrick's Day
So I'm a month late on this, but here is a cup of tea for you~
Photo note:
"I don't have a pot of gold at the end of my rainbow, but I'm always happy to serve you a pot of tea at my table. Today it's Harrisons & Crosfield's Irish Breakfast tea delicious sweetened with milk.
Silver Leaf Tea Irish Breakfest Marinated Hen
Okay, so this is a little diversion. I was looking for Irish Breakfast Tea, on of my husband's favorites, and found this! Very intriguing, and worth a try. Check out the link that follows for the recipe.
Here is the photographer's note:
"A cornish hen marinated and roasted in a marinade made of Silver Leaf Tea's Irish Breakfast tea and fresh herbs. - check out for the recipe"
Irish Breakfast tea blend - Fair Trade - Organic

Irish Breakfast tea blend - Fair Trade - Organic - Loose from, originally uploaded by Treasach.
Cool image. And Fair Trade, which I think is great. Here is the note that goes with:
"Irish Breakfast tea blend - Fair Trade - Organic - Loose from
Why wouldn't you drink fair trade and organic? Treat yourself well, and the people who bring it to you, by choosing fair trade certified. Everything tastes so much better without the slave sweat. And protect yourself, the workers, and the Earth, our Mother, by drinking organically grown and environmentally friendly where possible. Vote with your dollars! Every purchase you make speaks volumes about what kinds of product you want to see!
I love Irish Breakfast blend. It's my preferred tea. Originally created for the lowest class of workers in the UK, the Irish, this blend had some of the cheapest teas. With a base of lowland Assam, all the greatest tea companies in the world now have their own Irish blend. I have always enjoyed this tea for its smokey, malty flavour, its less bitter aftertaste, and its dark, rich colour. A very satisfying cup of tea fit for a hard working woman!
This caffinated loose tea is great at any time of day. Price is for 100g or a little under 4oz packaged in a resealable envelope. $2 off shipping with the purchase of two items. Three or more and shipping is free!"
Irish Breakfast Fry Up
Photo note:
"our typical saturday morning breakfast, got some good colors going on with the natural light coming from outside. the hashbrowns were bland frozen patties....not recommended, but i wanted to make use of them~"
I thought this looked nice, and included the black pudding, too.
The Full Irish
Photo note:
"The perfect cure. The full Irish breakfast: bacon, eggs, sausage, beans and hash browns......and don't forget.....a big pot of tea"
Irish Brekky Sanger or Irish Breakfast Sandwich
So, as I search for breakfast foods, today focusing on the Irish breakfast, I'm finding some great variations on the them.
Photo note:
"Organic egg and saussy sanger on nutty wholemeal loaf bread. Mmmmmmmm!
"Saussy sanger"=sausage sandwich!"
B&B Traditional Full Irish Breakfast
I'm up early today. My husband and son just left for a 9-day school trip - backpacking the Lost Coast in California. I call 4:45 early. But, I'm still up, about to write some poetry, and eventually get ready for a writer's conference coming up later today.
Back in college, a friend of mine told me that it was important to eat within 45 minutes of waking up. (Or was that "getting up?" There is a difference!) Anyway, this morning I had a bowl of cereal with rice milk. Which made me think of a proper breakfast, and more specifically, the Irish breakfast.
We were in Ireland last summer, staying in several B & B's along our drive (covering a bit of the south, the Dingle Peninsula, the west coast, and into Connemara, and ending up in Dublin). Even our one morning in London afforded us a chance to fortify ourselves, with much of the same foods as we would find in our B & B's.
I found this image of an Irish breakfast, and it looks just about right.
What is your favorite food to start the day with? Do you like something hearty, or just whole grains and juice, thank you? If you like, feel free to share your thoughts on the matter.
Have a great day!
The photographer's note for this image:
"Our first breakfast in Ireland was at the Rockwood House B&B in Cloverhill near Belturbet in County Cavan. It was delicious!! 9-28-07-Rockwood House B&B traditional full Irish breakfast."
Friday, April 17, 2009
Grimaldi's Pizza
This is a cool thing I've only seen at Grimaldi's - pizza on a platform, to make the most of precious table space.
The photographer of this image says:
"Popular pizza joint just under the Brooklyn bridge. We killed it. It was delicious."
The Line for Grimaldi's Pizza
Summer before last, on a visit to New York, we were introduced to Grimaldi's. This place is, in my opinion, very worth the wait in line. The restaurant is lively, the pizza fabulous, and the line for the bathroom every bit worth standing in, of only because one gets a first hand view of these pizzas being made. Artistry in action! I recommend it.
Here is the note that goes with this photo:
"There was quite a line for Grimaldi's Pizza today. Was it worth the wait? These people thought so."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Address to a Haggis (a poem by Robbie Burns)
Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!
Aboon them a' ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang's my arm.
The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o need,
While thro your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.
His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An cut you up wi ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!
Then, horn for horn, they stretch an strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a' their weel-swall'd kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
The auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
'Bethankit' hums.
Is there that owre his French ragout,
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi perfect sconner,
Looks down wi sneering, scornfu view
On sic a dinner?
Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As feckless as a wither'd rash,
His spindle shank a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit:
Thro bloody flood or field to dash,
O how unfit!
But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He'll make it whissle;
An legs an arms, an heads will sned,
Like taps o thrissle.
Ye Pow'rs, wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies:
But, if ye wish her gratefu prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!
Modern English translation:
Address to a Haggis
Fair and full is your honest, jolly face,
Great chieftain of the sausage race!
Above them all you take your place,
Stomach, tripe, or intestines:
Well are you worthy of a grace
As long as my arm.
The groaning trencher there you fill,
Your buttocks like a distant hill,
Your pin would help to mend a mill
In time of need,
While through your pores the dews distill
Like amber bead.
His knife see rustic Labour wipe,
And cut you up with ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like any ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm steaming, rich!
Then spoon for spoon, the stretch and strive:
Devil take the hindmost, on they drive,
Till all their well swollen bellies by-and-by
Are bent like drums;
Then old head of the table, most like to burst,
'The grace!' hums.
Is there that over his French ragout,
Or olio that would sicken a sow,
Or fricassee would make her vomit
With perfect disgust,
Looks down with sneering, scornful view
On such a dinner?
Poor devil! see him over his trash,
As feeble as a withered rush,
His thin legs a good whip-lash,
His fist a nut;
Through bloody flood or field to dash,
O how unfit.
But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his ample fist a blade,
He'll make it whistle;
And legs, and arms, and heads will cut off
Like the heads of thistles.
You powers, who make mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill of fare,
Old Scotland wants no watery stuff,
That splashes in small wooden dishes;
But if you wish her grateful prayer,
Give her [Scotland] a Haggis!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
world's best-tasting grilled eggplant
Photo note:
"Classic recipe -- just slice about an inch thick, brush on a mixture of little olive oil, a little garlic and "chop" spices. I usually grill at 400 degrees about 8 minutes/side.
This is one dish that tastes better with a bit salt which seems to remove the bitterness and bring out the nutty sweet flavor. I'm finding I enjoy eggplant more each year and this year we shoehorned in five in our little garden.
Try it in a sandwich or blend it for baba ghanoush."
Miniature eggplants, how I adore thee
Photo note:
"There is a subtle warmth to the glossy, inky skin of an eggplant that I've always found deeply beautiful, which made this wonderful vegetable all the more enjoyable to shot for my first time photographing veggies. These pint sized darlings are getting popped in the oven to roast before finding their way into a deconstructed version of melanzane alla parmigiana (eggplant parmesan)."
My Mother's Stuffed Eggplant
For the recipe, follow this link:
eggplant salad
Photo note:
"eggplant, broccoli sprout, oliveoil, vineger, salt, black pepper, basil, oregano,tomato"
How to Stuff an Eggplant (a poem)
From Modern Wife:
Book of Poetry by Priscilla Lee
A fascinating, eclectic mix of tongue-in-check laughter and heartbreak, Wishbone is a reflection on life, at first seen through the eyes of a child forced to grow up before her time, and later, by a woman facing her past. These courageous poems chronicle the life of an Asian American woman at the crossroad of two cultures, transforming her conflicting experiences into self-acceptance, strength, and a wild, free, happiness.
76 pages (6 x 8)
Volume 5 in the California Poetry Series,
presented by Heyday Books and Poetry Flash
co-published with The Roundhouse Pres
Book of Poetry by Priscilla Lee
Volume 5 in the California Poetry Series,
presented by Heyday Books and Poetry Flash
co-published with The Roundhouse Pres
How to Stuff an Eggplant
For once, forget Bongo's Burger Joint
& thank El Nino for the pulsing hillsides.
Go to the farmer's market & choose
a glossy eggplant, just-harvested,
that shimmers back at you.
At home, rub its purple skin with dark oil
carried up from a cool cellar.
Broil the eggplant inches from the heat.
Carefully scoop the spongy white flesh,
leaving walls thick enough to hold.
Fill the hollow with walnuts, tangy feta,
& pomegranate seeds. Pack a basket.
Walk slowly along a trail winding
through wildflowers, a riot of color
down to the beach. Don't hurry.
Scatter the fat sparrows as you shake out
your picnic cloth stained with grass
from last summer. Place the eggplant,
warm & full, in the curve
of your lover's palm. Watch him
savor the soft succulent meat.
Dig your toes into the sand.
Let the mingled juices drip
onto the blanket while he nibbles.
Gorgeous Eggplants - a photo

I doubt that the imagination can be suppressed. If you truly eradicated it in a child, he would grow up to be an eggplant., originally uploaded by redcipolla [on the road].
This is a beautiful image~
Here is the note that goes with the photo:
"I doubt that the imagination can be suppressed. If you truly eradicated it in a child, he would grow up to be an eggplant.
~ Ursula K. Le Guin (American writer)
Poor old eggplant, a little maligned based on this quote. Still I think it's quite an underrated vegetable."
Eggplant Napoleon with Basil Vinaigrette and Confit Tomato

Eggplant Napoleon with Basil Vinaigrette and Confit Tomato, originally uploaded by Boots in the Oven.
This is poetry on a plate, with eggplant!
For the recipe, click on the photo and visit the link for a tasty blog. Mmm. . .
4 kinds of eggplants | ארבעה סוגי חצילים
Photo note:
"Yes, the small ones on the right are eggplants too (and a must in Kaeng Kiao Wan)"
Looking for a Few Good Food Poems
How to Select an Eggplant
He’s thinking torso Rubenesque
She suggests breaded
medallions parmigiano-reggiano
marinara so blood red, so night-
shade on the tongue
it makes her blush. Aubergine
he breathes, and says it again.
Crostini Chianti Balsamic
Rub a little extra virgin
Olio Verde into flesh,
make it hiss. This one is a breast
he says, perfect
cupped in his palm. Better grab two
she muses – the moon
is full tonight.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Cauliflower / Veggie / Turkey Soup
Yesterday was soup day. I had some ground turkey in the fridge, a head of cauliflower, and leek that needed some attention, and as I my son and husband are in varying stages of illness, soup seemed to be in order.
Homemade Pizza Toppings
Just before baking: Tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, garlic, eggplant, black olives, green peppers, red onion. . .
Homemade Pizza, some photos
This has become a weekly ritual, making the pizza. Could this qualify as a hobby? If so, it would satisfy the prompt for day 13 of Poem A Day, which states:
Foods to Love, Words to Savor